Why Join Us?

Join our global community and master the art of animation with the EPTA Animation Mastery Program. With over 300,000 followers worldwide, we bring you an affordable, do-it-yourself solution to create stunning, viral content on your own, ensuring you shine on social media without the high cost of personalized services.





Animation Mastery Program

Releasing October 2024...

Use Case


Social Media



Key Benefits of Joining Our Program

What you get ⬇

Comprehensive Video Lessons

Dive into 40+ lessons, from the fundamentals to advanced animation techniques, ensuring you understand every step of creating impactful content.

Real-World Applications

Learn not just to animate. Our course focuses on real applications, helping you to promote businesses, brands, or your personal projects effectively.

Community Support

Gain lifetime access to an exclusive community of like-minded creators. Here, share experiences, challenges, successes, and receive feedback and encouragement.

Affordable Learning

Access all our secrets at a fraction of the cost of our full-service offerings. This course is designed to empower you to handle your content needs without breaking the bank.

Course Curriculum

Course Curriculum

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Creative Genesis

Module 2: The Fundamentals

Module 3: Beyond the Basics

Module 4: The Advanced

Module 5: Sound Design

Module 6: Video Breakdowns

Module 7: Build an Agency

Module 8: Marketing

Module 9: Sales

Module 10: Personal Brand

Module 1: Creative Genesis

Module 2: The Fundamentals

Module 3: Beyond the Basics

Module 4: The Advanced

Module 5: Sound Design

Module 6: Video Breakdowns

Module 7: Build an Agency

Module 8: Marketing

Module 9: Sales

Module 10: Personal Brand

Tools and Assets

Module 1: Creative Genesis

Module 2: The Fundamentals

Module 3: Beyond the Basics

Module 4: The Advanced

Module 5: Sound Design

Module 6: Video Breakdowns

Module 7: Build an Agency

Module 8: Marketing

Module 9: Sales

Module 10: Personal Brand

Custom Project

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Looking to have the EPTA team handle your content for you?

Looking to have the EPTA team handle your content for you?

Looking to have the EPTA team handle your content for you?